First we have to fix the log jam

Darren Bent - Header

Right now the transfer exit is blocked but if we can sell Darren Bent, Bentley and maybe Pav, then we’ll see some quick action.

According to one report, if Bent goes to Sunderland we want Kenwyne Jones. He’s big, physical and looks like he could improve in a better side. Roy Keane rated him so he must have some spirit. Then there’s Peter Crouch. Is he freaky, fantastic or just in between? Harry has signed him before and he gets into most of Capello’s squads – usually a good sign. Lots of people call Crouch a mug, but Capello definitely isn’t. He knows a thing or two and so does Crouchie’s agent – who also handles the dreaded Cashley. If talks start – prepare for a long haggle.

Downing has been in the frame for so long it’s boring. He’s injured and not good enough anyway. But if we do get  a new striker he must be able to play with Jermaine, not keep him out of the side. Otherwise we’re back to square one with a totally p***** off player. Ideally a new signing will be someone who knows the Prem and unlike Pav, can communicate. In midfield Palacios is going to be great this season and Luka is set to show us what he can really do. Then there’s Robbie, settled hopefully, and if Lennon starts slinging decent crosses over consistently, we’re in business.

Off the pitch Ledley didn’t do himself any favours and that knee won’t get any better. We need a top four, Premier League, centre back. That is not Richard Dunne, please not Richard Dunne. Upson would do nicely even though he is ex Gooner, he’s learned a lot since he escaped from Wengerville. While we’re on that subject, never silly Billy Gallas either. Another story going round is that we’re trying to snatch a full back, Kyle Naughton, from Sheffield United. Even though Everton have had their bid accepted.

The big transfer story so far of course is all about mad, bad, Man City. If they manage to grab John Terry, and it looks more likely every day, they’ll destabilise Ancelotti before he starts. Then if City really get going on the pitch they’ll light a big flame under old purple nose at Manure. He’s going to regret losing Tevez that’s for sure. Mark Hughes already has Robinho and Gareth Barry with more to come. It’s all too much for poor old Rafa who has finally woken up and realised he can’t compete in the big money league. Instead he’s moaning about Alonzo, telling him he should show some loyalty. Saying Barry has put money before ambition. But has he?

The big four monopoly looks breakable this season. The Gooners are likeliest to go, then Liverpool, especially if Torres and Gerrard get crocked again. Ancelotti doesn’t know the Prem so there’s another question mark. Can we do it?

Cross your fingers and pray for a big signing. Or two.

Phil Rowson

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