Football correspondent says Poch has exceeded expectation but questions how long that can continue

Tottenham Hotspur boss Mauricio Pochettino has been in the job for five years now, and it would be difficult to argue against the stellar job he has done so far.

He has managed to transform Spurs from a club on the verge of achieving Champions League football to a team that has consistently qualified and competed well over the past three years.

In this time, Tottenham have also finished third in the Premier League on two occasions, as well as a second place finish.

They have also reached cup finals, the knock out stages of the Champions League, and challenged for Premier League titles.

However, despite the positivity of this growth, Spurs have still yet to win a trophy under Poch, or for the last decade for that matter.

Many are now asking the question over whether Spurs should now be challenging for titles.

Mellissa Reddy believes that Poch has overachieved up until this point, but is unsure of how long that can go on for.

She said (SkySports): “Pochettino’s done an amazing job at Tottenham, there’s obviously the asterisk about the trophy, but when you see who they’ve competed against in finals and semi-finals, Chelsea and Manchester United, those are teams that are stronger than Tottenham and have greater resources than Tottenham. They are not teams you automatically beat in the hunt for silverware.

“What he’s done in his five years there has made people put Tottenham on that level. Their net-spend is £30m. That’s staggering.

“The issue is, Manchester City and Liverpool will get stronger by virtue of the quality they already have and what they can attract by the way they play. Spurs don’t have the wage bill to compete with those clubs.

“How does Pochettino continue to exceed expectations under these limitations?”

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