Harry Redknapp Q&A – Find out what Harry said

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I’m not used to being ‘spoilt’ by the club I’ve supported all my life, they are not renowned for their generosity it has to be said so I was pleasantly surprised by an event organised by the TH Supporters Trust last night: a Q & A with Harry Redknapp and Michael Dawson at WHL. A select(!) gathering of around 80 were allowed to park in the directors area then ushered to a comfy room in the inner sanctum of the West stand, offered tea/coffee/water – even biscuits – before the proceedings began at around 7pm.

They both sat on a small stage and took questions from the floor for just over an hour. They were relaxed and willing to answer although, apart from one exception, the questions were hardly probing or hostile. We learnt that Harry didn’t like the look of Benoit initially, he described Gomes as ‘scary wasn’t he?’ and when he saw his first game in charge, he thought ‘Gomes had a bet on the other lot’ as he kept rolling the ball out to them.

I was quite surprised that he thinks there is no need to strengthen the defence which was my question and judging by the quiet in the room his answer might have surprised one or two others. The only area he thinks we might need to strengthen is central midfield, ideally another Palacios. He thinks all Croatians are great and he would love to bring ‘kids’ through the ranks if only they were good enough.

He was very protective of Ledley but admitted he ‘doesn’t know’ how long he can go on the way he is. He described him as Spurs through and through and may see a future in coaching. Someone suggested Paul McGrath’s surgeon but he said they have tried everything and everyone, he has no cartilage at all in the knee, its bone rubbing on bone which causes swelling after each game. He joked that Paul was more even more ‘amazing’ than Ledley as he got drunk every night as well!

With endless money they were each asked which one player they would buy.  Harry picked Stevie G while Daws chose Ronaldo and they would both prefer a 4th place finish in the PL to a cup. Harry would love to lead Spurs out in the new stadium but said ‘you never know in football’.  Whatever happens, he hoped the new stadium would make it easier to get away from the ground after games.  His comment about trying to get away from WHL after a match was ‘unbelievable init?’.

The only detractor accused Harry of ruining Dorian Dervite’s career by not playing him, selling him or loaning him out. He responded by saying the player would not go on loan and no bids have been received, he said if he works hard he could make the first team but must earn his place. He had not had a £2 million bid from Ajax as was suggested, he said he would be delighted if Martin Jol wanted him!

They both stayed behind and happily fulfilled all requests for autographs and photos and although I kept a count of the number of times Harry said his favourite word (only 4) I would say the evening was definitely ‘triffic’.

What’s your opinion on Harry’s comments?

Thanks to Tracy for the interview

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