‘I had no problems with him’ – Former Spurs manager is puzzled by Daniel Levy criticism

Harry Redknapp has admitted that he fails to understand why some Spurs fans are so critical of Daniel Levy, given the infrastructure he has built at the club and the managers that he has appointed.

While Levy’s reign as a chairman is a divisive topic among Spurs fans, it is fair to say that a growing majority of supporters are of the opinion that his two decades in charge have been a disaster.

They often accuse the Tottenham chairman and ENIC of putting ‘profit before glory’ and there have been several protests over recent years, including one this summer about the increase in ticket prices (Independent).

Levy will point to how much Spurs have grown as a club under his stewardship and how they have closed the financial gap with the biggest clubs in the Premier League.

The Tottenham chairman will also point out that the club, who were a mid-table side when he arrived, now regularly finish in the top six, if not the top four.

However, his critics will stress the point that Spurs have only won one League Cup in his more than two decades in charge.

Harry Redknapp
Stephen Pond/Getty Images

Does Daniel Levy get a little too much criticism?

Redknapp believes that the 61-year-old deserves a lot more credit than he is getting from the Tottenham support.

When asked if he is surprised by the criticism Levy gets, the former Spurs manager told Kammy and Ben’s Proper Football Podcast: “It does yeah, I don’t know really, he’s built a magnificent stadium. The best stadium in the world now. The training ground is out of this world. 

“They’ve spent money every year, the last five years they’ve been in the top five spenders. He’s brought in top managers, I don’t know why he gets so much grief. I had no problems with him, he was good with me, I had no problems at all with Daniel Levy.”

Spurs Web Opinion

It is perfectly legitimate to be critical of Levy for some of his recent decisions, including his managerial appointments but I do not think it is fair to accuse him of a lack of ambition as it is his desire to win trophies that made him turn to Mourinho and Conte.

To suggest that Conte was not backed in the transfer window is a complete re-writing of history. The one thing that I do not like about the Levy-out crowd is that they behave like a cult and do not give the 61-year-old any credit even for the decisions that he gets right.

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