Lawro predicts Spurs to draw at Liverpool

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BBC football pundit Mark Lawrenson has predicted that Tottenham Hotspur will draw at Liverpool on Monday night.

He told BBC Sport Online: “This fixture is the only one Kenny Dalglish has lost at home in the league since coming back as Anfield boss in January 2011, a 2-1 defeat in May of that year where Tottenham completely outplayed Liverpool, especially across midfield.

“Liverpool are a different proposition now, and have just had three very good results against Manchester City, Manchester United and Wolves, but I am probably inching towards a draw here, which is hardly sticking my neck out because Liverpool tend to draw at home a lot.

“If I were Kenny Dalglish – and I think his tactical changes against United won the game last weekend – I would probably keep things tight. You need to put a barrier in midfield to stop Spurs playing, and we’ve seen Liverpool do it before.

“One factor which might stop Dalglish doing that is his dilemma up front because Andy Carroll has started to look like his old self lately and now Luis Suarez is available, so what should he do?

“The reason Carroll has just started to get his strength, touch and belief back is because he has been playing regular games, so do you sideline him again now?

“Or do you bring in Suarez and go with two up top against Tottenham at home, leaving yourself open to being ripped apart in midfield? You’d have to think not.

“Tottenham were another team who were busy on deadline day. Signing Louis Saha is an interesting one because, as all the players at Everton will tell you, he is a good player but your first problem with him is getting him on the pitch, because he does get injured very easily.

“If Saha is fit, he will get you a goal and I can see Harry Redknapp’s thinking because he has a team that has got pace down the flanks and some really clever players like Luka Modric and Rafael van der Vaart.

“Redknapp is probably thinking that Saha might not start too many games, but he also knows he can give him something a little bit different when he does feature.

Prediction: 1-1.”

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