Peter Crouch offers his prediction on Spurs’ title chances

Peter Crouch has urged Tottenham fans who are dreaming of a first league title win in sixty years, not to get carried away just yet since there is still a long way to go in what has been an unpredictable campaign to date.

Tottenham’s 2-0 win over Manchester City propelled them to the top of the table and has put them in the conversation about the title race.

The North Londoners could potentially even be four points clear at the top had they not thrown away their leads against Newcastle and West Ham last month.

However, despite Tottenham’s excellent start to the campaign, Crouch believes that another one of his former clubs, Liverpool, remain the favourites.

When a Spurs fan asked him about the club’s title chances, the former Tottenham man said in his Ask Crouchie column for the Daily Mail: “Let’s not get carried away yet, Evan. We have only had nine games and I wouldn’t want to start making rash judgments.

“Nothing has changed my opinion that Liverpool are the team to beat and I am comfortable with my pre-season prediction that Jurgen Klopp’s team will retain the title.”

However, the 39-year-old admitted that Tottenham fans have the right to dream since they have a serial winner in Jose Mourinho in charge and due to the form Harry Kane is showing at the minute.

Crouch added: “But I won’t dampen your enthusiasm. You have a winner for a manager and players all over the pitch in great form. There are question marks about the defence, perhaps, but it is great to see confidence flowing through the team.

“When Jose Mourinho was appointed 12 months ago, I wrote a column about his first press conference. It looked to me like he had his swagger back and that he was happy once again. Gradually, it has translated into results.

“Mourinho has added his own players and the thing that is impressing me most is the appetite they have to work.

“Harry Kane is in incredible form — the biggest compliment I can pay him is that he is effectively two players rolled into one — but he doesn’t stop running.

“I wouldn’t be prepared to say Tottenham will win the league at this stage but they absolutely have the right to dream. This is a mad season in which anything could happen — if someone different is going to win it, why shouldn’t Tottenham think it is them?”

Spurs Web Opinion

It is fair to say that most Spurs fans would agree with Crouchy’s assessment of Liverpool being favourites. While it is exciting to see Tottenham once again mentioned as potential title contenders after several years, it is fair to say that most fans would be happy with a top four finish and a trophy this season, given the expectations coming into the campaign.

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