Redknapp amazed by actions of some agents of Spurs players

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Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp has blasted certain player’s agents who contact chairman Daniel Levy to complain about the lack of playing time their client is getting.

Redknapp refused to name which members of his squad his comments relate to, but is happy that Levy informs him of when an agent has been in touch.

“What I found amazing is that agents will ring the chairman [Daniel Levy] and complain about their player not playing, you know, ‘What is your manager doing, why is he picking this player?’ ” Redknapp said.

“That’s something that’s new to me and I find it strange and very difficult to deal with – if a player hasn’t got the courage to come and see you himself and ask why he’s not playing and get his agent, who would know nothing about football anyway, to ring.

“He [the agent] is only there because [the player] is a money-making machine. He’s got no interest in the player when he finishes his career probably, but will ring up the chairman and ask why you’re not picking this particular player.

“I’m lucky that the chairman doesn’t take any notice and he tells me about these idiots who ring him.

“But I just find it amazing that they have the nerve to do that, and I’m amazed that the player is weak enough to let his agent ring up the chairman and ask why he’s not playing.

“He should be coming to see me, knocking on my door. But that is what’s going on and I’ve come across it more and more in recent times.”

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