Redknapp in positive mood after Spurs draw at Fulham

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Harry Redknapp was in a positive mood after Tottenham’s 0-0 draw at Fulham.

A victory could have taken Spurs up to third in the Premier League, but remain in fifth place.

He told Sky Sports: “We have got to aim to finish as high as we can. It is possible to get up there into the top group.

“It is not going to be easy, as I’ve said many times, but it is possible. While it is possible you have got to keep believing.

“If I stand here and say, ‘it’s not possible to get into the top four’ then what are we doing?

“I believe we can, the players believe we can. (If we don’t) it won’t be through lack of trying and giving it everything we have got.”

He added: “We have defended well. The keeper has been excellent when called upon and everyone has worked well as a unit. Overall it was a good point.

“We are in good shape. It is a tough division this season. The best teams, Chelsea, Manchester United are not finding it easy to get wins.”


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