Redknapp to join 500 club

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Harry Redknapp is eager to put aside his off-pitch troubles and concentrate on reaching a major milestone, by managing his 500th Premier League match.

With police charges hanging over his head in regards to cheating the public revenue, Redknapp will lead a Premier League team out for the 500th time in his career and is looking forward to just getting on with football again.

“That’s a lot of games isn’t it?

“You never know when your last one is going to arrive.

“You have to keep enjoying it, that’s why I look forward to going to places like Liverpool next week, because you never know if it’s the last time you’ll go there.

“If I didn’t enjoy this job, I wouldn’t be doing it. Football is the interest I’ve got, apart from my family, and I don’t know what I would do with myself if I had to sit indoors all day.”

Redknapp started off at Bournemouth and has spent spells with West Ham, Southampton and two stints at Portsmouth before Spurs brought him to White Hart Lane and Redknapp feels he has worked hard to achieve this milestone.

“I always thought I would end up managing at this level one day, but you need the breaks.

“If you’re a young manager starting out, you go to the wrong club lower down and you’re not a success, that’s the end of you.

“But I worked hard at Bournemouth, did well and it’s nice to see some of the lads from my team down there have become top managers in their own right – Tony Pulis and Sean O’Driscoll were very influential players in my team.

“The years have flown by so quickly since then it’s scary, and the older you get the quicker it seems to go.”

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