Report reveals Tottenham’s stance as Juve chief reignites Super League proposal

The Telegraph have revealed that Juventus chief Andrea Agnelli has vowed to fight UEFA over the breakaway European Super League plan but none of the six Premier League clubs who initially signed up for the agreement, including Tottenham, have any intention of returning.

Tottenham, as well as the five other ‘big six’ clubs, were among the 12 teams who signed up for the breakaway competition last year.

However, all six Premier League clubs were forced to withdraw from the tournament following a wave of fan protests (BBC Sport).

Tottenham subsequently issued an apology to the fans for signing up to the league without consulting the supporters (Guardian).

The Telegraph have now revealed that Agnelli has not given up on the proposal and is due to speak at a sporting summit in London to reignite the competition.

Along with Juventus, Real Madrid and Barcelona are also still thought to be backing the breakaway competition.

The report explains that the clubs want to change the initial proposal of 15 permanent members in the competition after it drew a lot of criticism.

However, legally, it would require the six Premier League clubs as well as the other founding members, Atletico Madrid, Inter Milan and AC Milan, to give their approval for such a change.

It is said that as things stand, the six Premier League clubs have no intention of returning to the Super League proposal.

Spurs Web Opinion

The European Super League would be disastrous for football as we know it in Europe. Unfortunately, I do think it is an eventuality, given the disparities among various clubs after the globalisation of the game over the last two decades.

Even if this proposal is shot down and the likes of Juve, Real Madrid and Barca do not get their way, I think the owners of these clubs will come together to establish a Super League again in the future when the time is right.

These clubs are now global brands and do not see themselves as intrinsically being tied to the local communities as they once did.

The more their fans skew towards Asia, Africa, and North America, rather than in Europe, the more likely it is that they would eventually form a breakaway competition of their own.

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