Report: Spurs ready to back support for Black Lives Matter movement when league resumes

According to ESPN, Tottenham Hotspur are reportedly ready to back a show of support from the players for the Black Lives Matter movement when the Premier League resumes next week.

Protests against racial injustice have erupted in many different parts of the world following the murder of George Floyd in the United States two weeks ago.

Some players in the Bundesliga have taken the knee before the matches to show their support to the cause.

The Football Association have said that they would not punish the players who publicly declared support for the BLM matter movement.

In fact, the report reveals that the Premier League are planning a collective response by potentially replacing the pre-match handshakes, which are currently banned due to social distancing protocols, with the players taking a knee.

It is said that Spurs will vote in favour of any league-wide initiative in the meeting between shareholders which took place yesterday.

Earlier this week, Tottenham disowned those who allegedly racially abused a group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Hoddesdon, while claiming to represent the club.

Spurs Web Opinion

It is clear that the BLM movement has a lot of support from the players and that they want to throw their weight behind the cause. The Premier League will have to allow the players to express themselves and should not do what the NFL has done by stopping players from protesting.

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