Report: Spurs star’s relationship with his agent collapsed after recent ‘betrayal’

UOL have now explained why Richarlison broke ties with his agent Renato Velasco, who allegedly betrayed the Tottenham striker’s trust.

It has been well documented that Richarlison had decided to seek help from a psychologist after the striker admitted to going through some issues in his personal life (The Guardian).

That seems to have had the desired effect, with the 26-year-old admitting a couple of days ago that the professional he has been speaking to has helped him overcome his mental health issues (Reuters).

Credit: Ollie Watkins (@watkinsstudio)

The details of Richarlison’s agent’s betrayal

UOL have now shed light on what Richarlison’s personal issues were, revealing that the player broke ties with his agent Renato Velasco, who was also a close family friend.

The outlet claims that Velasco was authorised to make transactions in the player’s name and that he did some without his client’s knowledge.

In fact, while FIFA only allows agents to get 10 per cent of their client’s salary, Richarlison’s agent is accused of getting more than double that amount.

It is explained that Velasco and his family used to live with the Tottenham man in England but when the striker found out about the ‘betrayal’, he allegedly threw them out of the house.

The publication adds that Velasco’s ex-wife ended up staying for a little longer, as they had a ‘mother and son relationship’ but she ended up leaving as well.

Spurs Web Opinion

It can certainly be hard to take when you are betrayed by someone close to you. Footballers are often susceptible to this as they are often surrounded by opportunists who want to take advantage of their wealth and status. One can understand why this would have affected Richy, who is evidently quite an emotional guy.

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