‘Resonated with me’ – Postecoglou explains what Levy told him during first talks

Ange Postecoglou has insisted that he would not have taken the Tottenham Hotspur job if he felt it was not the right fit for him.

From the outside, the Spurs job seemed like an impossible challenge, with some big-name managers having failed to deliver over the last couple of years and with there seeming to be an ever-growing divide between the club and the fan base.

However, in a matter of just a few months, Postecoglou has managed to get the supporters on board, with the atmosphere at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in the first home games of the season being quite electric.

Ange Postecoglou
(Photo by Stephen Pond/Getty Images)

The style of football that the Australian has implemented and the messages he delivers to the media have been key to getting a buy-in from the supporters.

Postecoglou has repeatedly stated over the past couple of months that he is prioritising the style of play, insisting that the results would take care of themselves (Football.London).

The 58-year-old has now revealed that Daniel Levy’s desire to get the team playing an attractive brand of football is one of the main things that attracted him to N17.

Daniel Levy wanted the Tottenham style back

Postecoglou told the Fan Forum held at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (19/09/23) about the conversations he held ahead of accepting the job:

“It’s about trying to understand the person and his feelings about the football club and where they’re at. Because, I think with me, people have figured out, there are certain things I have very strong beliefs about, and seeing whether there’s a fit there.

“What he wanted for this football club, in terms of style, the environment, the young players, the connection with the fans, it’s all stuff that resonated with me, so that was the most important thing.

“I kind of got the understanding that what they were looking for, I knew I could deliver. That’s what you’re looking for in that kind of discussion because ultimately, if the discussion went a different way, as great an opportunity as this is… this is a fantastic football club and since I’ve joined you realise what a big, well-resourced, it’s got fantastic supporters, but for me I wasn’t just going to jump into the opportunity because of that.

“It needed to be a good fit because otherwise it wouldn’t work. I didn’t want to be a square peg in a round hole.

“I didn’t know which way they’d go, but if they did go with me, I felt comfortable that I could fulfil the responsibilities that would be bestowed upon me.”

Spurs Web Opinion

In many ways, the Spurs job was perfect for Postecoglou as the squad had become severely underrated by the fans and the pundits, owing to their struggles in the second half of last season.

The expectations at the club were also lower than it had been for well over a decade and the supporters were crying out for entertaining football after having put up with years of a dull, counter-attacking approach.

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