Spurs quoted £12m for Samba star

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TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR have been told that it will cost £12million if they want to sign Lille’s Michel Bastos.

The 25-year-old Brazilian midfielder is being monitored by a number of clubs, thought to include Martin O’Neill’s Aston Villa, who are also keen on Tottenham’s very own David Bentley.

Press reports have suggested that Brazil coach Dunga has promised to call Bastos into the senior squad once he makes the move into Premiership football.  Bastos’ agent Mikkel Beck used to play his football for Middlesbrough.

Spurs would probably have to offload the likes of Bentley before splashing out on £12million.

Should Harry Redknapp spend £12million on Bastos, or would it be better spent elsewhere?  Have your say below, it only takes a moment to register.

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