Did Pochettino’s managerial immaturity cost us victory

Now I don’t no many people who can sit here say that after two league games they can be happy with one point, but in truth didn’t we all see this coming. We have spent the whole summer waiting for signings that haven’t come and though I feel we have played well in spells, we have definitely lacked a killer touch, something Walker helped United with on the opening day.

I have spoken openly already about Spurs need for a striker, more so to take the pressure off Kane. Now we may have finally made this addition but something is still missing. Both games so far, the starting line-up has almost picked itself, other than the obvious debates over the right back slot and which central midfielders should play. But pardon my French what the f**k is going on with our F**king bench.

I have looked at this in the first two games and almost laughed. It lacks impotence, someone who can really change a game. Now without placing blame for our solitary point this season, Pochettino’s substitutions have been costly.

I laughed when Mason was bought on whilst a goal down at Old Trafford in the hope he may actually change the game, but the decision to take him off on the weekend had me gobsmacked. Probably one of our best performers on the day, he was the focal point of everything we did on Saturday, getting into the penalty area whenever possible and was very unlucky not to score, something we lacked at United.

He was replaced by a very questionable Bentelab, who at the moment can barely string a pass together, let alone help defend a two goal led. Toby (I can’t say his surname, let alone try and spell it) spoke out in the papers recently about our need for a defensive minded midfielder and to be honest he’s right. Losing players like Capoue and Stambouli may seem like obvious decisions but when leading a game these are the perfect players to bring on, not an Algerian playmaker.

This may have been in a key turning point in the game but the main game changer came in the first substitution, bringing on Lamela for Harry Kane.
Now I am still unsure why Kane was taking of, some saying injury, some saying his job was done and he was being given a rest, but this was the start to our demise. Kane led the line brilliantly against Stoke and even though he didn’t score, his persistent running and hold up play made it difficult for Stoke to gain any rhythm. The moment he left the field we lost our shape, something Chadli could not replicate, as let’s face it, he is not a striker and never will be, so why make the change.

Just because we have subs, it doesn’t mean we have to use them, something I’m sure all the football manager enthusiasts reading can agree with. Making these two subs changed the dynamic for us completely, something I believe a more experienced manager would have known. The best form of defense has always been a strong attack, which until Kane’s departure is exactly what we had.

However if the rumors of Kane being injured are true then a like for like change is needed, something which was not in place. Potch stated he is not worried about the lack of strikers, which tells me he is either blissfully unaware of what’s happening or his inexperience is creeping through. Even a youth team striker would have made the difference, someone who knows his position and can focus on playing there, not someone who is drawn out which leaves us inviting pressure. The ignorance not to have a recoginsed striker on the bench has definitely cost us which may be vital points lost come the end of the season.

Now I will finish by stating, even though it may seem different, I am in fact a massive fan of Potchettino but at 43, he still has a lot to learn. You would never see Mourinho or Sir Alex start a season with one Striker in his squad. These clubs may have more funds to play with than us, but with the recent news of a bid for Berahino just being rejected, it makes you think what have we been doing all summer. Hopefully we won’t lose any more points before the transfer window shuts and add some players to squad.

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