Report: A piece of Spurs history is set to return outside the new stadium

Football.London have revealed that Haringey Council has approved the return of Tottenham’s iconic Cockerel Clock, which is now set to be placed on the high street outside the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

The clock, which dates back to the 1950s, was previously attached to The Red House, just outside of White Hart Lane, and is currently housed within the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium‘s west atrium.

Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
Image: @snapshotspurs

Football.London reveals that the clock has now been restored by Gillett & Johnston, the company that manufactured it all those decades ago.

The historic clock is now ready to be displayed outside the club’s new stadium, with Haringey Council granting permission for it to be placed at the corner of High Road and Park Lane, attached to a lamp post.

The report states that in order to prevent damage, the clock will be in the line of CCTV and the lamppost will be coated in an anti-climb paint so it remains slippery and difficult to climb.

Spurs Web Opinion

This is a fantastic touch and will add a bit more history to our new home.

While the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium is a magnificent venue, it does seem to lack touches of heritage that the old White Hart Lane had, and this will certainly help rectify that to some degree.

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